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a division of
Abercrombie Farms, LLC
    Kansas City, MO


Why Choose Our Hay?
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    Contact Us: 
   a division of
  Abercrombie Farms, LLC

  Kansas City, MO 64113




The Process of Becoming Our Customer

Every good relationship starts with integrity at the base. has learned that horse stable owner/operators need to be able to trust their hay provider to; deliver timely, produce consistently,  not oversell, provide remedies, be professional, respectful and polite. is owned by horse owners and breeders who truly care about the total health and longevity of horses. The core of their decision to provide hay to California horse owners and caretakers was, and is, to positively support the entire Equine Community. expects this relationship to operate both ways. They also need the same things listed above from their clients. In the farmers’ view, this relationship takes a greater commitment from them and their cooperative, than it does from the buyer. produces and customizes hay to order, goes through all the steps (financial and otherwise), the labor to bring it in at the proper time, stores the hay, and transports it over 1,800 miles, all on a promise, that they can trust you!

Abercrombie Farms respects your decision to allow them to serve you and your horses. But, if price is the only reason that you are buying hay from them, they are most likely not the right partner/provider for you. They realize that farm management does not provide time nor resources to have your hay tested and fields analyzed regularly. For that reason, they provide all of that information, labor and expense for your benefit!

Abercrombie Farms also provides the results of their ongoing research to their customers, free of charge. They feel strongly that once their customers get accustomed to using this information, it will help them provide better care while reducing the largest line-item expense in horse care…feed.

Please contact Tom Heshion to discuss the potential of becoming another satisfied customer of Abercrombie Farms! (816) 728-2933 or


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Kansas City, MO 64113
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